Meisterstück: Flooring for Halls with Large, Narrow Aisles and High Stacking Systems

Efficiency is key in logistics. Logistics halls manage quantities of goods and ensure flows between producers and final consumers or subcontractors. However, the areas that can be set aside for…

Warehouse nightmares - forklift accidents

The floors in manufacturing and logistics operation buildings are sometimes like arteries in the human body - without them, the blood circulation would collapse. Of course, they do not distribute…

Which concrete floors are most popular?

Every high-quality industrial floor belongs to the "good" category. But even in this segment, some types are more popular than others. This is usually because the customer knows that they are ideal…

Development of industrial and logistics parks

By the beginning of 2022, Proreco had already completed 10 MILLION SQUARE METERS of industrial floors. Most of them are in industrial and logistics parks. These buildings require the largest areas of…

Even old concrete can get a second chance

Concrete is an extremely tough, durable material and, with good workmanship and adequate use, it is almost "immortal". Nevertheless, it happens that the concrete floor begins to change unfavorably…

Bartos advertising production premises: Big company in a small space

Bartos advertising is a creative company, so everything they do, they like to do it themselves using their creative minds. They also "directed" the realization of their new production premises. And…

Live realization of 25 thousand square meters of industrial floor

Logistics halls are usually not focused on the architecture that should dazzle. Rather, they are CONSTRUCTION WORKS of a very pragmatic nature and do not need to look presentable. They form something…

Realization in the Lanius brewery: Perfect as a beer

Concrete flooring and its finishing treatment are not products that you can simply "add to cart" and "pay for" on any e-shop. You must pay close attention to selection and realization of it. After…

Parking at Zwirn – a modern and functional contribution to the survival of history

Parking in Bratislava is a well-known inconvenience. Streets clogged with cars, many parking spaces are residential or reserved, when arriving at the destination, you keep circling the area, which…

Just in Time – In Lozorno

In 2002, an Automotive Industrial Park was established near Lozorno. It was designed for the needs of the Bratislava car factory Volkswagen in the production of the Touareg model. But TIME IS ALSO…