Proreco – the most successful construction company of 2017 performing specialized building jobs
Proreco is the leader from amongst companies performing specialized building jobs In May 2018, a list of construction companies has been published in the TREND TOP magazine. In the category of…
Electrically conductive finishes of industrial floors
Every move generates electrostatic charge which sequential discharge is usually not registered. However, there are premises where people manipulate with electronic parts or evaporative chemicals.…
Floors in food processing industry
The food processing industry governs large scale of specializations and with those related processing requirements of floor properties. We are mostly met with request for increased heat, chemical and…
Parking decks industrial floors
The public usually comes across the term “Industrial floor” in parking decks of malls or other public areas. At the first glance, its primary function appears to be to distinguish between the parking…
Modern storage and logistic areas
Modern storage and logistic areas are design with maximum hall space usage and simultaneous optimization short-term wares storage distribution system. For this purpose, various types of shelve…