Modern storage and logistic areas are design with maximum hall space usage and simultaneous optimization short-term wares storage distribution system. For this purpose, various types of shelve systems in combination with system manipulation technology are used.

Concrete floor construction

The premises at hand are specific by their high dynamic load, caused by intense storage traffic of storage manipulation machines with high static load from shelve-based storage systems. These steep requirements are best met by jointless industrial floors. These are concrete floor construction without cut contraction joints that are reinforced with efficient fiber and additional steel reinforcement. Currently they are trending not only in logistic halls, but also with investors requiring higher quality with adequate economic efficiency of given solution. The reason is absence of issues with the edges of cut joints caused by high traffic intensity and thus lowering operational costs related to joint repairs and manipulation machines maintenance while also covering issues with lowering warehouse’s effectiveness or production limitation while increasing efficiency and comfort of business.

There are necessary basic steps that need to be fulfilled for successful jointless floor realization, starting with clearly stated requirements and business characteristics, appropriate design of floor construction with technical details resolved and a correct mixture of concrete mass until its flawless realization.

laser screed

Concrete floor realization with the use of Laserscreed .

Floor surface finish

Appropriate choice of surface finish is crucial for ensuring functional, efficient, long lasting and safe floor construction. When choosing appropriate type of surface finish, we evaluate combination of multiple factors such as type of material stored, way of storage and type of warehouse machinery, valid legislative and least but not last, requirements for business comfort and aesthetics.

topping spreader

Realization of ferrocrete slab with red hardener finish. In its application the LASER SCREED SXP technology was used – laser guided device for shaking in the concrete mass and TOPPING SPREADER – device for applying hardened surface finishes of concrete floor constructions, which PRORECO s.r.o. started using as 1st in Slovakia back in 2005

In regular material and goods storage, the standard surface finish in warehouses and logistic halls the so called armored concrete floor is used. This is surface finish achieved by mixing in powdered compound containing cement and hardener into surface of levelled fresh concrete which is then machine smoothed with rotary smoothers.

bezškárová betónová podlaha

In regular material and goods storage, the standard surface finish in warehouses and logistic halls the so called armored concrete floor is used. This is surface finish achieved by mixing in powdered compound containing cement and hardener into surface of levelled fresh concrete which is then machine smoothed with rotary smoothers.

Modern storage and logistic areas with special requirements

An increased attention is aimed towards correct choice of surface finish for warehouses for chemical and flammable substances, where it is necessary to fully obey strict safety regulations and norms. In this case, the floor needs to meet, apart from mechanical resistance, resistance chemical and needs to be impenetrable and in case of flammable substances antistatic. Best fit for this purpose are synthetic surface finishes, mostly different types of epoxy floor systems. These are finished onto the concrete construction in addition, usually after the concrete has hardened and dried.

Špeciálna podlaha ucrete vo farbe cream

Special UCRETE floor, cream color

Next important factor, affecting the type of surface finish is the type of storage and type of storage machinery. From the point of view, we can differentiate between floors with free traffic of storage machinery with standard level tolerance, or floors with defined traffic. These are usually tall shelves with narrow walkways, where storage machinery is led by mechanical or inductive rails. Requirements for floor flatness are increased and are for example specified in the norm DIN15185, or TR34.

For such areas, it is necessary to use an appropriate surface finish type with which it is possible to reach the strict flatness criteria. For example, these are machine smoothed cement-based self-levelling industrial screeds (wet to wet) and magnesite, or epoxy floor systems..

ESD podlaha Proreco

Non-expansive cord-concrete floor construction with electrostatic conductive cast epoxy (ESD) surface finish.

magnezitový poter

Storage hall with magnesite screed and flatness in accordance with DIN 15185, laid out for high static load caused by shelve-based storage system.

Published in Stavebné materiály 5/2016 and

Modern storage and logistic areas

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